

Controllers serve as a simple yet powerful routing mechanism. Controller methods are mapped to webserver paths. The value returned by the method is sent as the response.

In order to create a Controller, you must use the @Controller decorator and inherit the IController class. The decorator sets the component type, so the DI (dependency injection) container can detect what the class will be used for.


import { Controller, IController, Get, Post, All, Route, Method } from "odi";
import { SampleDTO } from "./sample.dto.ts";

export class SampleController extends IController {

    @Get '{id}' (id: string) {
        return `Your id is - ${id}`;

    @Get index() {
        return `Hello world !`;

    saveSample(payload: SampleDTO) {
        return `Your sample name is - ${}`;

    @All all() {
        return `Your HTTP method is - ${this.request.method}`;

    /* Using @Route decorator */    
    @RouteGet(Method.GET, 'somewhere/hello')
    anyMethodName() {
        return `Hello from other route !`;

SampleController produces the following routes:

  • /sample/{id}

  • /sample

  • /sample/save

  • /sample/all

  • /sample/somewhere/hello

As you can see, method names are taken into account when constructing the routing table. Also, the @Controller decorator accepts a base path as an argument.

Information from the request body and request params is automatically injected into the method via this, so no further declaration is necessary.


  • @Controller(basePath: string = "/") __- sets a class as a controller. Accepts only one optional argument: the base path, which prefixes all routes in a controller.

  • @Route(method: Method, path: string = "/") - sets a method of a controller as a route handler. Accepts two arguments: the HTTP method and the path. The default path is "/".

Note: There is an optional shorthand for the @Route decorator. Keeping reading to find out more.

There is also a set of decorators for binding class methods of a controller to specific methods of routes. The decorator names are similar to the HTTP method names. Methods decorated by the @All decorator accept all HTTP methods.

  • @All

  • @Get

  • @Del

  • @Put

  • @Post

  • @Patch

Route Shorthand

There is a shorthand available for the @Route decorator which allows you to omit the method parameter. All of the following decorators accept the path as a parameter. The default value is "/".

  • @RouteAll

  • @RouteGet

  • @RouteDel

  • @RoutePut

  • @RoutePost

  • @RoutePatch

Note: If a method is decorated with both the @Route and @Get headers (or others like Post, All, etc.), metadata from @Route will take priority at build time.

Route definition

In all routing decorators, the leading slash can be omitted.

@RouteGet('foo') is equivalent to @RouteGet('/foo')

Odi provides special syntax for routing parameters.

@RouteGet('foo/{id}') is equivalent to @RouteGet('/foo/:id')

There are no limitations and both variants can be used and are valid for the build process.

Data Injection

As you can see in the Controller preview, you can directly inject data from the request into the route method as arguments.

Supported data type:

  • Route parameter

  • Request body

  • Request query parameters

To inject a route parameter, simply specify the parameter name. Only the string type is supported for now. You can inject an unlimited number of route parameters.

For example, to get the route parameter id:

getSomething(id: string) {
    return `Your id is - ${id}`;

To inject the body or the query parameters, a DTO class should be specified as an argument. You can use any name for this argument, but the type of the argument should be a DTO class that is decorated by the @Data or @Query decorator.

@Post save(body: BodyDTO, query: QueryDTO) {
    return `Your name is - ${}, and your age is - ${query.age}`;

Read the DTO docs for more details:

Tips and Techniques

Decorators without arguments (e.g. Get, Post, Put) are preferred. However, there is a common situation where multiple HTTP methods must be available for the same route. In this situation, you cannot bind the method by name, as method names should be unique.

There are several ways to resolve this situation:

Using the @All decorator

import { Controller, IController, All } from "odi";

export class TodoController extends IController {

    @All '{id}' (id: string) {
        const method = this.request.method;                  
        // Set your logic depending on method.


Using short versions of the @Route decorator

import { Controller, IController, RouteGet, RouteDel } from "odi";

export class TodoController extends IController {

    getTodo(id: string) {
        // Get todo...

    delTodo(id: string) {
        // Delete todo...


Using only the @Route decorator

import { Controller, IController, Route, Method } from "odi";

export class TodoController extends IController {

    getTodo(id: string) {
        // Get todo...

    delTodo(id: string) {
        // Delete todo...


Note: In feature releases, a new Controller API will be added to handle such situations easily.


There are 3 helper actions that can be used in controllers.

  • Ok(body?: any) - set status code to 200 and send body

  • BadRequest(body?: any) - set status code to 400 and send body

  • NotFound(body?: any) - set status code to 404 and send body

  • Forbidden(body?: any) - set status code to 403 and send body

Abstract Controller

Every controller must extend the IController class. It provides useful methods that can be used for interaction with request data, cookies and other http thing. Also there are methods, that allows to work with user.

Methods and props (HTTP)

There are set of methods to work with headers, cookies, and other HTTP parameters/fields. without any additional calls or interacting raw request/ raw response directly.

Note, new methods will be added in next major release for convenient work.


There are 3 methods to work with headers:

  • getHeader(key: string) - return header value by key

  • setHeader(key: string, value: string) - set header value

  • getHeaders() - return all headers as object


There are 2 methods to work with cookies:

  • getCookie(key: string) - get cookie value by key

  • setCookie(key: string, value: string) - set cookie value by key


Can be accessed and validated using DTO.

There are 3 methods to work with query:

  • getQueryParam(key: string) - return query parameter value by key

  • getQuery() - return all query parametes as object

Route Parameters

There are only 1 method to work with route parameters:

  • getParam(key: string) - return query parameter value by key

But if you need full list or additional information, you can always reference to raw http request. Read below about it.

Raw HTTP Request/Response

Information about request/response objects persist like a properties of class instance.

  • request - wrapped http request

  • response - wrapped http response

Other methods and props

There are few other methods

  • redirect(url: string) - redirect request to another url

And property for user

  • user - return user instance class

For more details check authentication docs:


New instance of controller is created for each request. It allows to work conveniently and to avoid repeated code in your application.

Dependency Injection

Controller can participate in DI, so you can use all injection strategies.

Read more about strategies in DI docs:

Controller can be treated like a root node in dependencies tree. For performance optimization and zero overhead, Controller does not support dynamic dependencies. It will be created only once, on start of application. Other instances will copy only references of injected dependencies. Only context will be set.


When route handler is triggered by client request, new instance of controller will be created using copy from original instance. Then methods that is responsible for route will be called with parsed and injected method parameters. Result from method (I.E: return value) will be send as answer.

Note, in future major release, AOP will be added to Odi, so lifecycle behaviour can be changed. But no braking changes.

Last updated

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