

Odi provides build in Authentication module based on JWT. Module is fully configurable and extendable. Also, Authentication is integrated with Controllers.

Controller example

import { Get, Post, Controller, IController, Autowired, Auth } from "odi":
import { UserService } from "./user.service";
import { AuthService } from "./auth.service";
import { SigninDTO } from "./dto/signin.dto";

export class TodoController extends IController<AuthService> {
    userService: UserService;   
    @Post signin (payload: SigninDTO) {
        const user = this.userService.signinUser(payload);
            throw new Error('Wrong credentials');
    @Get user() {
        return this.user.decode();
    @Get verify() {
        const [ user, err ] = this.user.verify();
            throw new Error('Token expired');
        return user;        

Getting started

JWT module must be installed

  1. Install npm package npm install jsonwebtoken --save


Auth Service should be created, to start working with authentication in Odi application. Odi automatically extracts token from request and starts processing.


Implementation must be provided for abstract class CoreAuth with 2 generics.

import { Authentication, CoreAuth, Context, Autowired } from 'odi';
import User from './models/user.model';
import UserService from './services/user.service';

export interface Decoding {
    id: string;
    role: string;

export class AuthService extends CoreAuth<Decoding, User> {

    userService: UserService;

    serialize(user: User) {
        const role = this.userService.findRole(user);
        return { role, id: };

    deserialize(decoding: Decoding) {
        return this.userService.findById(;

Only 2 methods must be implemented

  • serialize(user: User) - will be called when user.assign(...) called.

  • deserialize(decoding: Decoding) - will be called, when user.load() called.

Controller Integration

To have fully typed code, you should pass your Auth Service to first Controller generic.

export class TodoController extends IController<AuthService> { ...

For interacting with user in Controller, UserData instance will be passed to user property. It has only the few methods.

  • load(options?: DecodeOptions) - this method decode token and pass it to deserialize(...) method. Semantically, it should be used to load user from database.

  • decode(options?: DecodeOptions) - wrapper for JWT decode. Decodes Object from token

  • verify(options?: VerifyOptions) - wrapper for JWT verify. Decodes and verofy Object

    from token. Method returns [ Decoding | null, Error | null ]

  • assign(user: User, options?: SignOptions) - this method encode the token and return it (as string). Custom options can be passed for encoding. user will be passed to serialize(...)


@Auth(options?: any) decorator can be used for protecting routes by permissions or other restrictions.

authenticate method in AuthService class must be overridden.

type UserWrapper = UserData<Decoding, User>;

export class AuthService extends CoreAuth<Decoding, User> {
     //serialize and deserialize methods..
     public authenticate(context: Context, user: UserWrapper, options: any) {
         const userRole = userData.decode().role;
         if(options.isAdmin && userRole !== "admin")
              return false; 
         return true;   

We can create an alias for @Auth(options?: any) decorator that will be used for guarding routes. options argument will be passed to authenticate method.

export const AuthAdmin = Auth({ isAdmin: true });

Now, simply decorate route handler of controller with a newly created decorator.

export class TodoController extends IController<AuthService> {
    @Get user() {
        return "Hello admin!";

As a result, only that has "admin" role can access this endpoint. Otherwise, 403 status code will be send.


There is only one decorator @Auth(options?: any). As mentioned above, options argument will be passed to authenticate method.

This decorator can be applied to the method or whole controller.


Guard implementation must be provided in authenticate method of AuthService class.

authenticate(context: Context, data: UserData<T, U>, options: any): Promise<boolean>

This method has 3 arguments:

  1. context - request and response.

  2. data - user data (the same as user field in controller).

  3. options - object passed in dectorator.

As you can see, authenticate method return type is a Promise<boolean>, so asynchronous calls are allowed (Example: database request).

But there are only 2 return values are possible - true and false. If the result is true, handler will process the request, otherwise 403 status code will be send immediately without further processing

Last updated

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